Types of Pigmentation
The most common type of pigmentation is ephelides, or freckles. These develop after repeated exposure to sunlight, particularly if you have a fair complexion. They appear darker during the sunny months and fade in the winter. Heredity factors also influence your freckling.
Solar lentigines
Also referred to as liver spots or sun spots, these are pigmented spots with a clearly defined edge. They may occur anywhere on the body and vary in colour from light brown to black. These spots are caused by UV sun exposure and the degree depends on how much UV light these melanin pigments are exposed to. These must be monitored as they may develop into skin cancer and melanoma. Annual checks with your skin specialist and GP are essential.
Melasma or chloasma is pigmentation that is deeper in the skinโs dermis. It appears on the face as larger brown patches with a non-distinct border. This type of pigmentation is more common in women. Though causes are unknown, it is often stimulated by hormonal increases. The condition is made worse with UV exposure, some medications, pregnancy and stress.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
This is a response to injury of the skin and can be the result of acne, burns, friction or aggressive clinical treatments such as chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser and IPL. This condition often resolves with time and generally responds to topical products, although it can recur.
The Answers You Need
What causes pigmentation?
There are two main categories of causes of pigmentation, External and Internal.
External โ These are environmental factors like excessive sun exposure, pore quality cosmetics, smoking.
Internal โ This includes hormones, medication, skin trauma, medical conditions.
How long would it take to treat my pigment?
This is a difficult one to answer, there is no set timeline; every person is different. The time it will take for you to see a difference will be impacted by the type and cause or your pigmentation. It is also highly impacted by your level of commitment to your treatment program and home care.
How can I prevent pigmentation?
You can reduce the effect of external factors that cause pigmentation by ensuring you are always wearing a high quality, high rated SPF when outside. This will fight against UVA and UVB rays.
Also, you can start using a melanin inhibitor in your everyday skin care routine. Contact us for more detail.
If I have a skin treatment will the result be permanent?
Unfortunately there is no way to permanently get rid of pigmentation. Professional skin treatments can help reduce the visibility of your pigmentation.
For maximum impact, professional treatments need to be combined with a consistent homecare routine and protecting your skin from damaging UV rays at all times.